Posts in sound healing
Listening with the Heart

To incorporate the heart is to incorporate the body, the soul, the feeling, the intuition—not just of the individual, but of the collective. Just as the mind presents itself as an undivided infinite space, so too does the heart expand, giving us the great capacity to embrace all things with love.

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sound healingJayaji
Listening to Thoughts

If you are constantly engrossed by the contents of the mind—the ideas, desires, and preferences—the lens through which you view the world becomes coloured. If you learn to listen to the silence between thoughts, you can begin to see how one thought arises and ceases without getting entangled in it.

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sound healingJayaji
All Talk of Silence Is Not Silence

Let yourself be absorbed by the silence. Between this word and this word. Between this thought and the next. Between this breath and the next. Silence is between and underneath. It is the background, and it is present in the foreground. It is imminent, and it is transcendent. Silence is an ever-present reality.

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sound healingJayaji
The Power of Love

The power of love does not impose itself upon you; however, its might can move mountains. When you touch this might, it moves you to gentleness, it restores your resting power, your receptive power, and it is also the power that gives.

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sound healingJayaji
Song Carrying

Singing is a different medicine. It's a kind of charity and a service to sing, and to invite other people to sing with us. And even if we don't sing it completely right, even if your voice is not perfect, it's really about the heart and the soul and the message and the transmission.

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sound healingJayaji
Devotional Listening: Listening as Love, Lover, and Beloved

Devotion is to be devoted to. Find out what it is like in your listening meditation to become devoted to the listening. To place your breath as a bouquet of flowers upon its altar. To lay all your concepts and cleverness down at its feet. Devotion is necessary for absorption, for without giving oneself totally one remains a separate entity who is considering, who is practicing, who is going or getting somewhere.

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sound healingJayaji
Listening to Nature and Music

Drift into the open-ended ambience of a drone, submerge in the endless flow of the sound of a stream, or disappear into the subtle nuances of static. In this way, what might typically be perceived as noise becomes an invitation to hear in a new way and opens a doorway to the sacred and profound.

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sound healingJayaji
Listening to Silence

Every sound echoed, every song evoked, every word spoken, all arise from the timeless ocean of silence. When all is said and done, it is only silence that speaks, only silence that has the last word. This is why I say silence is the master's mantra. One can get caught up in all sorts of words, flights of fancy, special hymns, and incantations. True power lies in the silence.

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sound healingJayaji
Chanting and Feeling

Chanting brings joy because it evokes in us the carefree attitude only a child knows. There's no shame or regret about the past, no anxiety or fear of the future. It creates an openness and vulnerability to feel, to be seen, embodying a sort of courageous, oblivious attitude of innocence.

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sound healingJayaji
Singing is Cleaning

Singing is cleaning us from the inside out. It is like a nice soapy shower that we apply to clean all those hard-to-reach places, to brush away some of the cobwebs and shed light in the dark corners.

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sound healingJayaji
Music in the Ritual Space

Music is an invisible landscape, a hidden map that brings so much meaning with every little discovery of its body. If you put human beings anywhere, after a little while they will start to make music; melodies will find them, rhythms will knock on their doors.

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sound healingJayaji
The Yoga of Deep Listening

Sound Ceremony extends an invitation into silence, encouraging us to listen more deeply and let that listening guide us from the superficial to the profound, uncovering the truth that there has never been any distance between existence and essence. To hear that sweet sound of who we are, and who we have always been, whispering in every moment, calling us home.

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